
OPI Titolo Anno
2.20.2 HF2CARE 2021
2.20.3 Severe Osteoporosis Patient Management 2021
2.20.14 La figura dell’infermiera dall’Unità d’Italia sino all’avvento del Fascismo 2020
2.20.16 Il self-care nella stomaterapia: studio sperimentale 2020
2.19.1 PAI Versione 3.0 2019
2.19.3 Severe Osteoporosis Patient Management 2019
2.19.10 Fragilità della popolazione anziana 2019
2.19.13 Donna e professione infermieristica: immagine dell’infermiera nel periodo fascista dal 1935 al 1943 2019
2.19.15 La figura dell’infermiera dall’Unità d’Italia sino all’avvento del Fascismo 2019
2.19.16 Il self-care nella stomaterapia: studio sperimentale 2019
2.18.1 PAI versione 3.0 2018
2.18.2 HF2CARE 2018
2.18.3 Severe osteoporosis patient management 2018
2.18.15 Incidenza della fragilità nella popolazione anziana 2018
2.17.13 Validazione del self-care of heart failure index versione 7 (schfi 7) e del caregiver contribution to self-care of heart failure index versione 2 (cc-schfi 2) 2017
2.17.9 Bisogni e burden dei caregiver nello scompenso cardiaco 2017
2.17.11 Nursing intensity 2017
2.17.12 Quolitfamstroke 2.0 2017
2.16.1 Il self-care nelle persone affette da bpco 2016
2.16.4 Self-care mixed method 2016
2.16.7 Impatto del professional assessment instrument 2016
2.16.9 Self-care nelle malattie croniche 2016
2.15.1 Il self-care nelle persone affette da BPCO 2015
2.15.4 Self-care mixed method 2015
2.15.8 Impatto del professional assessment instrument 2015
2.15.11 Self-care nelle malattie croniche 2015
2.13.8 Da studente a infermiere (2013) 2013
2.12.3 Qualitfamstroke (2012) 2012
2.12.10 Comportamenti non aderenti nei trapianti (2012) 2012
2.11.8 Riduzione degli errori da somministrazione di farmaci (2011) 2011
2.11.3 Ricerca multicentrica sulla presa in carico del paziente nel percorso perioperatorio (2011) 2011
2.11.7 Self care (2011) 2011


Tipologia Titolo Anno
Articoli Remote motivational interviewing to improve patient self-care and caregiver contribution to self-care in heart failure (REMOTIVATE-HF): Rationale, design, and methodology for a multicentre randomized controlled trial 2023
Articoli Nursing students motivation for attrition: an integrative review. 2022
Articoli Perceptions of nursing attrition by Bachelor Nursing Degree Directors: a phenomenological Study 2022
Libri Nursing students' perceptions of virtual simulation in nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a proposal for a validation protocol and cross-sectional study 2022
Poster Nursing students' perceptions of virtual simulation in nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a proposal for a validation protocol and cross-sectional study 2022
Articoli Homecare workers in Italy: a narrative review 2022
Articoli Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Clinical Care Classification system 2022
Articoli Health Literacy in Patients' Clinical Records of Hospital Settings: A Systematic Review 2022
Articoli Factors influencing self-care in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: The Guardian Angel® multicentric longitudinal study 2022
Articoli Family assistants' living and working conditions and their interaction with patient and family caregiver variables 2022
Poster How deep is your involvement? Caregiver Contribution to self-care in heart failure: A content qualitative analysis with Magnitude Coding 2022
Articoli Protective Role of Caregiver Preparedness on the Relationship Between Depression and Quality of Life in Stroke Dyads 2022
Articoli The Association of Spirituality with Anxiety and Depression in Stroke Survivor-Caregiver Dyads: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model 2021
Articoli Stroke disease-specific quality of life trajectories after rehabilitation discharge and their sociodemographic and clinical associations: A longitudinal, multicentre study 2021
Articoli Interventions to improve stroke-caregiver dyads’ outcomes after discharge: a systematic review and meta-analysis study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2021
Articoli Effectiveness of dyadic interventions to improve stroke patient-caregiver dyads' outcomes after discharge: A systematic review and meta-analysis study 2021
Atti Convegno Abstract P832: Stroke Disease-Specific Quality of Life Trajectories After Rehabilitation Discharge and Their Sociodemographic and Clinical Predictors: A Longitudinal, Multicenter Study 2021
Articoli Development and testing of a new instrument to measure self-care in patients with osteoporosis: the self-care of osteoporosis scale 2021
Articoli Development and Testing of the Quality of Life Osteoporosis Scale-Nonvertebral Fractures (QoLOS-NVFX) 2021
Articoli Interventions to improve stroke-caregiver dyads’ outcomes after discharge: a systematic review and meta-analysis study. 2021
Articoli Living expenses related to stroke: A longitudinal analysis of survivors after discharge from a rehabilitation hospital 2020
Articoli Direct cost related to stroke. A longitudinal analysis of survivors after discharge from a rehabilitation hospital 2020
Articoli Effectiveness of dyadic interventions to improve stroke patient–caregiver dyads’ outcomes after discharge: A systematic review and meta-analysis study 2020
Atti Convegno Abstract WP463: Moderator Role of Preparedness on the Association Between Depression and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivor-Caregiver Dyads 2020
Articoli Development and initial validation of a theory of planned behaviour questionnaire to assess the nursing students' Intention to be self-employed 2020
Articoli Academic self-efficacy in Bachelor-level nursing students: Development and validation of a new instrument 2020
Articoli The nurse in the mirror: Image of the female nurse during the Italian fascist period 2020
Articoli Describing self care and its associated variables in ostomy patients. 2020
Articoli Cross-Mapping of Nursing Care Terms Recorded in Italian Hospitals into the Standardized NNN Terminology 2020
Articoli The Self-Care of Heart Failure Index version 7.2: Further psychometric testing 2020
Articoli Role of Spirituality on the Association Between Depression and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivor-Care Partner Dyads 2020
Articoli Motivational interviewing to improve self-care in heart failure patients (MOTIVATE-HF): a randomized controlled trial 2020
Articoli Moderator Role of Mutuality on the Association Between Depression and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivor-Caregiver Dyads 2020
Articoli Psychometric characteristics of the whoqol-srpb scale in a population of stroke survivors and caregivers 2020
Articoli Sociodemographic characteristics and self-care management knowledge of patients with an ostomy 2020
Poster The moderation effects of caregiver preparedness between depression and quality of life in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads. 2020
Articoli Self-care of patient and caregiver DyAds in multiple chronic conditions: a LongITudinal studY (SODALITY) protocol 2019
Articoli Interventions to improve stroke-caregiver dyads’ outcomes after discharge: a systematic review and meta-analysis study 2019
Articoli Moderator Role of Mutuality on the association between depression and quality of life in Stroke Survivor-Caregiver Dyads 2019
Articoli The association between mutuality and anxiety and depression in heart failure patient and caregiver dyads: An ActorPartner Interdependence Model analysis 2019
Articoli Impact of an electronic nursing documentation system on the nursing process accuracy 2019
Articoli Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions, and Activities as Described by a Nursing Minimum Data Set: A Prospective Study in an Oncology Hospital Setting 2019
Articoli A situation-specific theory of caregiver contributions to heart failure self-care 2019
Articoli Caregiver Contribution to Self-care in Patients With Heart Failure: A Qualitative Descriptive Study 2019
Articoli The association between mutuality and anxiety and depression in heart failure patient and caregiver dyads: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model analysis 2019
Articoli Self-care of patient and caregiver DyAds in multiple chronic conditions: A LongITudinal studY (SODALITY) protocol 2019
Articoli Da portaferiti a soccorritore, l’ideale mancato di infermiere militare sul finir del Risorgimento italiano 2019
Libri Traduzione ufficiale della terminologia infermieristica standard Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System 2019
Poster Sleep quality and self-care behaviors of adults with heart failure: a systematic review 2019
Poster Sleep quality in heart failure patients 2019
Poster When their relationship is good heart failure, patients and caregivers have lower anxiety and depression: an analysis with the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model 2019
Poster Dyadic interventions for stroke survivors and caregivers after discharge: a meta-analysis study 2019
Poster When their relationship is good heart failure, patients and caregivers have lower anxiety and depression: an analysis with the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model 2019
Atti Convegno Impact of an electronic nursing documentation system on the nursing process accuracy 2019
Atti Convegno La preparazione dei caregiver di pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco ha un ruolo rilevante nel miglioramento del contributo del caregiver al self-care 2019
Atti Convegno La qualità del sonno nei pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco 2019
Atti Convegno Relazione tra preparazione, ansia, depressione e qualità di vita nei caregivers di pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco 2019
Libri Impact of an Electronic Nursing Documentation System on the Nursing Process Accuracy 2019
Articoli Life with a urostomy: A phenomenological study 2018
Articoli Quality of Life Trajectories among Stroke Survivors and the Related Changes in Caregiver Outcomes: A Growth Mixture Study 2018
Articoli The influence of mutuality on self-care in heart failure patients and caregivers: A dyadic analysis 2018
Poster Traiettorie della qualità di vita dei pazienti con ictus cerebrale e loro associazione con burden, ansia e depressione del caregiver 2018
Atti Convegno Qualità di vita, ansia, depressione e burden nella popolazione con ictus cerebrale: uno studio longitudinale multicentrico 2018
Articoli Cross-Mapping of Nursing Care Terms Recorded in Italian Hospitals into the Standardized NNN Terminology 2018
Articoli Nurses' beliefs about nursing diagnosis: A study with cluster analysis 2018
Poster Le Strategie di Self-Care per la gestione dei disturbi emozionali delle persone affette da bronchite cronica ostruttiva. Uno studio qualitativo descrittivo 2018
Atti Convegno Mutuality and self-care in heart failure patient and caregiver dyads 2018
Articoli Job Search Behavior, Networking, and Outcomes among Employed and Unemployed Italian New Graduate Nurses 2018
Articoli Patterns of self-care and clinical events in a cohort of adults with heart failure: 1 year follow-up 2017
Articoli Cross-validation of the Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire 2017
Articoli Health-promotion theories in nutritional interventions for community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review 2017
Articoli ISOLA15: A multicenter study to assess the perception of protective isolation in cancer patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 2017
Articoli Life with a urostomy: A phenomenological study in Applied Nursing Research 2017
Articoli Testing an explanatory model of nurses’ intention to report adverse drug reactions in hospital settings 2017
Articoli The lived experience of caregivers of persons with heart failure: A phenomenological study 2017
Articoli Effect of tailored educational intervention to improve self-care maintenance and quality of life in postmenopausal osteoporotic women after a fragility fracture: the Guardian Angel® study 2017
Articoli Impact of nursing diagnoses on patient and organisational outcomes: A systematic literature review 2017
Libri Il Concetto di Dignità nella Professione Infermieristica Edises Edizioni 2017
Articoli Educational theories and models in health-promoting interventions: a critical analysis 2017
Articoli Academic dishonesty among Italian nursing students: A longitudinal study 2017
Articoli Philosophical and theoretical content of the nursing discipline in academic education: A critical interpretive synthesis in Nurse Education Today 2017
Articoli L’esperienza della qualita’ formativa negli studenti di infermieristica: uno studio fenomenologico 2016
Articoli Social media and nurse education: an integrative review of the literature 2016
Articoli Measurement properties of instruments evaluating self-care and related concepts in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review 2016
Articoli Diagnosi infermieristiche e quadri teorici nelle unità neonatali: una revisione della letteratura 2016
Articoli Psychomentric evaluation of the Position on nursing diagnosis scale 2016
Articoli Impatto del professional assessment instrument. Utilizzo del Nursing Minimun Data Set del PAI per descrivere l’assistenza infermieristica e valutare il suo impatto 2016
Articoli An experience of field work learning for healthcare providers: new perspectives between disadvantages and critical issues 2016
Articoli A phenomenological study exploring the experiences of protective isolation in patients undergoing allogenic Haematopoietic Stem cell Tranplantation 2016
Articoli The experiences of protective isolation in patients undergoing bone marrow or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Systematic review and metasynthesis 2016
Articoli Factors that condition the spontaneous reporting of adverse drug reactions among nurses: an integrative review 2016
Poster Development of the self-care of osteoporosis scale (SCOS): testing its reliability and validity 2016
Poster Ethical issues for creating healthy work settings: nursing’s professional dignity in internal medicine and surgical wards in the Italian context. Leadership in nursing scholarship, Practice and Education: how to impact nursing as a caring profession globally 2016
Atti Convegno Determinants of burden in caregivers of heart failure patients: a multicenter study 2016
Articoli The experience of educational quality in undergraduate nursing students: a phenomenological study 2016
Articoli Employability degli infermieri neolaureati: revisione narrativa 2016
Articoli Searching for a nursing job in an increased complexity of the labour market: An integrative review of the literature 2016
Articoli Barriers in the management of cancer related pain and strategies to overcome them: findings of a qualitative research involving physicians and nurses in Italy 2015
Articoli The experience of stroke survivors three months after being discharged home. A phenomenological investigation 2015
Articoli Empowerment strutturale e soddisfazione sul lavoro tra gli infermieri coordinatori: uno studio pilota 2015
Articoli Development of the Ethical Sensitivity Scale in Undergraduate Nursing Students 2015
Articoli La prossima generazione di infermieri: panoramica di un’Università italiana 2015
Articoli Caregiver resilience in palliative care: A research protocol 2015
Articoli Empowerment strutturale e soddisfazione sul lavoro tra gli infermieri coordinatori: uno studio pilota 2015
Articoli Center of Excellence to build nursing scholarship and improve health care in Italy 2015
Articoli The experiences of selfcare in community-dwelling older people: a meta-synthesis 2015
Articoli The evolution of the concept of self-care in the healthcare system: a narrative literature review 2015
Articoli Bone care nurses and the evolution of the nurse's educational function: the Guardian Angel® research project 2015
Articoli Nurses' reporting of suspect adverse drug reactions: a mixedmethods study 2015
Articoli The Difficulties in Antihypertensive Drug Prescription During Lactation: Is the Information Consistent? 2015
Poster Ethical issues for creating healthy work environments: Nursing professional dignity in internal medicine and surgical wards. 2015
Atti Convegno Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Stroke Impact Scale 3.0 2015
Articoli La prossima generazione di infermieri: panoramica di un'Università italiana 2015
Articoli Nodol: uno studio descrittivo delle reti di cure palliative in Italia. 2014
Articoli Educazione terapeutica ai malati oncologici: esperienza degli infermieri italiani 2014
Articoli Effects of self care on quality of life in adults with heart failure and their spousal caregivers: testing dynamis using the actor-partner interdependence model. 2014
Articoli Communication with the public in the health-care system: a descriptive study of the use of social media in Local Health Authorities and public hospitals in Italy 2014
Articoli Nurses' perceptions of professional dignity in hospital settings 2014
Articoli Le competenze infermieristiche avanzate nel trattamento dello stroke in fase acuta in Italia. Strategia per l’identificazione (II parte) 2014
Articoli La mutualità nel caregiving: una revisione della letteratura 2014
Articoli Development and Validation of a Computerized Assessment Form to Support Nursing Diagnosis 2014
Articoli Nurse coordinator leadership and work environment conflicts: consequences for physical and work-related health of nursing staff 2014
Articoli Perceptions Of Italian Student Nurses Of The Concept Of Professional Respect During Their Clinical Practice Learning Experience 2014
Articoli Psychometric properties of the scale for Quality Evaluation of the Bachelor Degree in Nursing Version 2.(QBN2) 2014
Articoli Cultural adaptation and linguistic validation of the Family Decision Making Self EfficacyScale (FDMSES) 2014
Libri Prometheus: A project for the dissemination of knowledge within the oncology network of piedmont and Aosta Valley In: Network-Based Continuing Medical Education ISBN: 978-1-63117-346-2 Editor: Guglielmo Trentin © 2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2014
Poster La formation et l’exercice infirmier quel avenir?” Professional dignity for Italian undergraduates. 2014
Convegni Organizational health on nurses in some health facilities of Rome and its province 2014
Articoli Aderenza alle cure: un tema di pertinenza anche infermieristica. 2013
Articoli La salute organizzativa nelle sale operatorie di Roma e Provincia 2013
Articoli Raccomandazioni sul corretto utilizzo dei social media da parte degli infermieri 2013
Articoli Dignity in professional nursing: guaranteeing a better patient care 2013
Articoli Validity and Reliability of the Caregiver Contribution to Self-care of Heart Failure Index 2013
Articoli Structural equation model testing the situation-specific theory of heart failure self-care 2013
Articoli Le competenze infermieristiche avanzate nel trattamento dello stroke in fase acuta in Italia. Strategia per l’identificazione (I parte) 2013
Articoli Validity and reliability of the caregiver contribution to self care of Hearth Failure Index 2013
Articoli Gli interventi educativi per i pazienti con scompenso cardiaco: una sintesi della letteratura 2013
Articoli Psychometric testing of the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index Version 6.2 2013
Articoli The European Heart Failure Self-care Behaviour Scale: New insights into factorial structure, reliability, precision and scoring procedure 2013
Articoli Structural equation model testing the situation-specific theory of heart failure self-care 2013
Articoli Impact of a nursing information system in clinical practice: a longitudinal study project 2013
Articoli La comunicazione online tra professionisti e cittadino in ambito sanitario: primo rapporto sulle attività della Federazione Nazionale dei Collegi Infermieri (IPASVI) 2013
Articoli Le sfide della transculturalità per gli infermieri italiani e sud-americani 2013
Articoli Dignity in professional nursing: guaranteeing a better patient care 2013
Articoli Medical humanities in healthcare education in Italy: a literature review 2013
Articoli Nursing student attitudes towards older people: validity and reliability of the Italian version of the Kogan Attitudes towards Older People scale 2013
Articoli Il concetto di resilienza nel contesto infermieristico 2013
Articoli La salute organizzativa degli infermieri in alcune strutture sanitarie di Roma e Provincia 2013
Articoli La salute organizzativa nelle sale operatorie di Roma e provincia 2013
Articoli The lived experiences of patients in protective isolation during their hospital stay for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation 2013
Articoli Transitions between care settings after enrollment in a palliative care service in Italy: a retrospective analysis 2013
Poster Is the follow-up from transplant the predictive factor to immunosuppression nonadherence? 2013
Poster Dimensions of nursing professional dignity: an analysis in clinical and community workplaces in Italy and London 2013
Poster Professional dignity in nursing implicates patient safety for Italian nurses 2013
Atti Convegno The relationship between selfcare and quality of life in hearth failure patients and spousal caregivers: a dyadic analysis 2013
Atti Convegno Self-care behaviors in Italian patients with heart failure 2013
Atti Convegno The value of an exercise advice in heart failure patients 2013
Atti Convegno Self-Care confidence mediates the relationship between cognition and self-care behaviors in adults with heart failure 2013
Atti Convegno La salute organizzativa nelle sale operatorie di Roma e Provincia 2013
Articoli L’informazione online fornita dai siti delle Aziende Sanitarie Ospedaliere Italiane: indagine descrittiva sull’aderenza alle linee guida del Ministero della Salute 2012
Articoli Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces 2012
Articoli Sviluppo di un sistema informativo utilizzando un linguaggio infermieristico standard per la realizzazione di un Nursing Minimum Data Set 2012
Atti Convegno Stroke survivors who like art have a better quality of life than those who do not 2012
Atti Convegno Stroke survivors who like art have a better quality of life than those who do not 2012
Atti Convegno The contribution of caregivers to selfcare in heart failure: development of an instrument 2012
Atti Convegno The relationship between selfcare maintenance and self-care management in heart failure: a structural equation modeling 2012
Atti Convegno La ricerca dei comportamenti non aderenti nei soggetti sottoposti a trapiento di organo solido 2012
Articoli Organizational health and quality of life: survey among ambulance nurses in prehospital emergency care 2011
Articoli Organizational Health of nurses: comparative analysis in emergency setting 2011
Articoli Organizational health and quality of life: survey among nurses on territorial emergency 2011
Articoli Affidabilità del caregiver nel valutare la qualità di vita del paziente con ictus cerebrale: uno studio esplorativo. 2011
Articoli Positive and negative impact of caregiving to older adults: a structural equation model 2011
Atti Convegno Self-care nel paziente con scompenso cardiaco: studio comparativo tra Ambulatorio per lo Scompenso, Day Hospital Cardiologico e Ambulatorio Generale di Cardiologia Conferenza L'evoluzione del nursing italiano negli ultimi 150 anni 2011
Atti Convegno Il Self-care nei pazienti con scompenso cardiaco riduce le ri-ospedalizzazioni 2011
Articoli Operating theatre and medical ward nurses: two different ways of perceiving one's organizational health. 2010
Articoli La salute organizzativa negli infermieri dell’emergenza territoriale. 2010
Articoli Infermieri di camera operatoria e infermieri di medicina generale: la diversa percezione della propria salute organizzativa 2010
Articoli Validità e affidabilità del questionario infermieristico sulla salute organizzativa. 2010
Articoli La Stroke Impact Scale: Uno strumento specifico per misurare la qualità di vita delle persone con ictus cerebrale 2010
Articoli Quality of life in stroke survivors: first results from the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Stroke Impact 2010
Libri La Salute Organizzativa degli Infermieri.Guida pratica del questionario infermieristico sulla salute organizzativa (QISO). EdiSES Università. ISBN 9788879596770 2010
Atti Convegno Preliminary results from the reliability and validity of the stroke impact scale in Italy 2010
Tipologia Titolo Anno
Convegni Caregiver preparedness has an important role in improving caregiver contributions to self-care in adults with heart failure 2019
Convegni Mutuality moderates the association between depression and quality of life in stroke survivor-caregiver dyads: a longitudinal study 2019
Convegni Dyadic interventions for stroke survivors and caregivers after discharge: a meta-analysis study 2019
Convegni Stroke survivor care after discharge from rehabilitation hospitals: a longitudinal study 2019
Convegni The life expenses of stroke survivors during the first year post discharge 2019
Convegni Qualità di vita, ansia, depressione e burden nella popolazione con ictus cerebrale: uno studio longitudinale 2018
Convegni Evolution of family and community nursing in Italy. Accountability to ageing society via a novel management system of continuity of care 2017
Convegni Professional respect: important dimensions to nurses in Italy and England 2017
Convegni Funzionalità fisica, caregiver, qualità di vita: un’analisi longitudinale diadica in caregiver e pazienti con ictus 2017
Convegni Italian nurses' driving force to influence health policy 2016
Convegni Italian nurses’ experiences for a global nursing. Leadership in nursing scholarship, Practice and Education: how to impact nursing as a caring profession globally 2016
Convegni Documentazione elettronica dell’assistenza. Diagnosi infermieristiche come misura della complessità assistenziale e fattore prognostico 2016
Convegni Organizational health of nurses in some health facilities of Rome and its greater area 2015
Convegni Italian Nurses’ Experience for a Global Nursing 2015
Convegni Ethical issues for creating healthy work environments; Nursing's professional dignity in internal medicine and surgical wards 2015
Convegni Organisational health of nurses in some health facilities of Rome and its metropolitan area 2015
Convegni Organizational health in healthcare organizations of Rome 2014
Convegni Nursing professional dignity for Italian undergraduates 2014
Convegni The dignity of the nursing profession: a model and definition for implementing wellbeing at work 2014
Convegni Perceptions of Italian student nurses of the concept of professional respect during their clinical practice learning experience 2014
Convegni Evolution of Nursing as a Health Profession in Italy: Metaphors and Paradoxes 2014
Convegni Ethical issues for creating healthy work environments: The dignity of the nursing profession 2014
Convegni La formation et l’exercice infirmier quel avenir? Organizational health of nurses in some health facilities of Rome and its Province: Preparing Italian student nurses to the risks of working in complicated environments 2014
Convegni Professional dignity in nursing implicates safe care for Italian nurses 2013
Convegni The dignity of the nursing profession: a meta-synthesis of qualitative research 2013
Convegni Professional dignity in nursing implicates patient safety for Italian nurses 2013
Convegni Adattamento e validazione linguistico – culturale della family decision making self efficacy scale 2013
Convegni Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces 2012
Convegni Professional dignity in nursing in clinical and community workplaces. In: Changing the landscape for nursing and healthcare education: evidence-based innovation policy and practice 2012
Convegni La leadership nella pratica clinica 2011
Convegni La salute organizzativa degli infermieri e lo stile di leadership dei coordinatori: un modello di equazioni strutturali 2011
Convegni Quality of Life in Italian Elderly People 2010