
Tipologia Titolo Anno
Articoli Instruments Measuring Self-Care in Children and Young Adults With Chronic Conditions: A Systematic Review 2022
Articoli Attitudes and practices towards vital signs monitoring on paediatric wards: Cross-validation of the Ped-V scale 2022
Articoli Self-Care in Pediatric Patients with Chronic Conditions: A Systematic Review of Theoretical Models 2021
Articoli Cross-validation of the Care Dependency Scale in Intensive Care Unit (ICUCDS) 2020
Articoli The role of occupational stress in the association between emotional labornand burnout in nurses: A cross-sectional study 2020
Articoli The Influence of Caregiver Preparedness on Caregiver Contributions to Self-care in Heart Failure and the Mediating Role of Caregiver Confidence 2020
Articoli Psychometric testing of the Italian version of the nursing students’ Caring Behaviors Inventory 2019
Articoli Influence of preparedness on anxiety, depression, and quality of life in caregivers of heart failure patients: Testing a model of path analysis 2019
Poster Caregivers of patients with heart failure who are more prepared to caregiving have lower depression and better quality of life: testing a model of path analysis 2019
Atti Convegno La preparazione dei caregiver di pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco ha un ruolo rilevante nel miglioramento del contributo del caregiver al self-care 2019
Atti Convegno Relazione tra preparazione, ansia, depressione e qualità di vita nei caregivers di pazienti affetti da scompenso cardiaco 2019
Articoli Risk factors for a difficult intravenous access: A multicentre study comparing nurses' beliefs to evidence 2019
Articoli The Role of Professional Competency in Influencing Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Among Palliative Care Nurses 2018
Articoli Cross-validation of the Self-care Ability Scale for Elderly (SASE) in a sample of Italian older adult 2018
Articoli Psychometric evaluation of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) in people with chronic diseases 2018
Articoli Validity and reliability of the Palliative Care Transition Measure for Caregivers (PCTM-C) 2018
Articoli Nurses with pediatricians in pediatric outpatient clinics: a survey on family pediatricians' opinions 2018
Articoli Development and validation of Emotional Labour in Nursing Scale in Italy 2018
Articoli La qualità di vita degli infermieri: Validazione della Nurses’Quality of Life Scale (NqoLs) 2018
Articoli Misurare la Qualità di vita degli infermieri: adattamento del Satisfaction Profile (SAT-P) 2018
Articoli Violare le norme organizzative e sociali nei luoghi di lavoro: Studio correlazionale nel contesto infermieristico 2017
Articoli Factors affecting difficult peripheral intravenous cannulation in adults: a prospective observational study 2017
Articoli Propolis in the prevention of oral mucositis in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy: A pilot randomised controlled trial 2017
Articoli Being in protective isolation following autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A phenomenological study 2017
Articoli ISOLA15: A multicenter study to assess the perception of protective isolation in cancer patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 2017
Articoli La leadership etica del coordinatore come fattore determinante i comportamenti organizzativi degli infermieri, nei luoghi di cura 2017
Articoli Modified Moral Distress Scale (MDS-11): Validation Study Among Italian Nurses 2017
Articoli Prosocial behaviour in palliative nurses: Psychometric evaluation of the prosociality scale 2016
Articoli Written information improves cancer patients’ knowledge about totally implanted access ports 2016
Articoli Improving cancer patients’ knowledge about totally implantable access port (TIAP): arandomized controlled trial 2016
Articoli Psychometric testing of the modified Care Dependency Scale (Neuro CDS) 2016
Articoli Cross-validation of the Care Dependency Scale in patients with Cancer 2016
Articoli Cross-validation of the Care Dependency Scale in patients with Cancer 2016
Articoli A phenomenological study exploring the experiences of protective isolation in patients undergoing allogenic Haematopoietic Stem cell Tranplantation 2016
Articoli The experiences of protective isolation in patients undergoing bone marrow or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Systematic review and metasynthesis 2016
Poster What are the rare symptoms for health professionals in palliative care? 2016
Poster La prosocialità degli infermieri di cure palliative 2016
Poster Development of the Questionnaire on Palliative Care for Cancer Patients’ Time Perception 2016
Articoli L’autovalutazione delle Competenze degl iinfermieri di Cure Palliative 2015
Articoli Gli infermieri e il “Comportamento di Cittadinanza Organizzativa”: contributo alla validazione italiana della scala di Podsakoff 2015
Articoli Development and cross-validation of a measure of perception of care dependency in patients with chronic conditions 2015
Atti Convegno Improving cancer patients' knowledge about totally implantable access port: a randomized controlled study 2015
Atti Convegno 1742 Propolis for prevention of chemo-induced oral mucositis in breast cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial 2015
Articoli The lived experiences of patients in protective isolation during their hospital stay for allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation 2013
Tipologia Titolo Anno
Convegni Caregiver preparedness has an important role in improving caregiver contributions to self-care in adults with heart failure 2019
Convegni Le competenze professionali e i comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa: Una survey tra gli infermieri di cure palliative 2017
Convegni Il tempo delle cure palliative 2016
Atti Convegno Gli infermieri di cure palliative che si percepiscono maggiormente competenti sono più soddisfatti del loro lavoro e mettono in atto comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa 2016
Convegni Comportamenti di cittadinanza organizzativa degli infermieri di cure palliative: Relazioni con la soddisfazione lavorativa e la percezione delle competenze professionali 2015