Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Discharge of older patients with chronic diseases: What nurses do and what they record. An observational study
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Understanding the current trends on nursing mobility in Italy
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Comparing nursing leadership training programs offered by global nursing organizations
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
A comparison between two educational methods in the rehabilitation of the microstomia in systemic sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Impact of an electronic nursing documentation system on the nursing process accuracy
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
When their relationship is good heart failure, patients and caregivers have lower anxiety and depression: an analysis with the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model
Atti Convegno
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Qualità e sicurezza in emato-oncologia pediatrica: il
fenomeno delle cure infermieristiche compromesse in Italia
Atti Convegno
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Abstract 13443: Influence of Depression on Self-Care Behaviors in Older Adults With Multiple Chronic Conditions: A Multivariate Analysis
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
La valutazione della qualità di vita nei soggetto affetto da dolore cronico
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
The effectiveness of web-based learning in supporting the development of nursing students’ practical skills during clinical placements: A qualitative study