Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Self-care in ostomy patients and their caregivers. European Association of Urology Nurses
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Chiusura OPG. Indagine conoscitiva in un Dipartimento di Salute Mentale di Roma. Esiti della Legge 81/2014
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Influence of preparedness on anxiety, depression, and quality of life in caregivers of heart failure patients: Testing a model of path analysis
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Dyadic interventions for stroke survivors and caregivers after discharge: a meta-analysis study
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Caregiver preparedness has an important role in improving caregiver contributions to self-care in adults with heart failure
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
The value of clinical competencies of nurses in different clinical settings for nurse managers
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Self-care in ostomy patients and their caregivers
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Self-care in ostomy patients and their caregivers: from the patient's experience to new tools for monitoring the outcome
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Il patient flow in stomia: vantaggi per gli operatori sanitari e i pazienti
Polo per la ricerca
2019 |
Nursing diagnoses as predictors of hospital length of stay: A prospective observational study