
The Development of An Educational Diagnosis Chart on the Motivation of the Enterostoma Patients' Needs (MEPN)

The Development of An Educational Diagnosis Chart on the Motivation of the Enterostoma Patients' Needs (MEPN)

02/04/2014 - 04/04/2014



There is evidence that nursing docu- mentation is often weak, and in particular it lacks of a consistent and standardized approach towards educational diagnosis. Practical preoperative stoma training and motivation are essential to improve recovery and reduce the length of hospital stay


Test the content and construct validity of the Motivation of the entero-stoma patients’ needs (MEPN)


The latent structure of the educational needs of entero-stoma patient has been inves- tigated using multivariate statistical techniques including exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The research team defined the indicators of educational diagnosis based on the grounds of the scientific literature. The indicators were categorized and grouped for the elaboration of a diagnosis sheet on educational motivation of the entero-stoma patient’s needs. The educational diagnosis sheet containing a set of questions was compiled and validated for 104 subjects, subjects recruited in three hospitals in Rome, Italy. We then conducted the construct validation.


A three-factor structure was demonstrated for the 16 items of the Italian version of the scale: autonomy; social-relational; and patient empower- ment. Discussion: The validation of this new educational diagnosis chart will encourage nurses to adopt a consistent and standardized approach in the assess- ment of patients’ stoma care educational needs.


In the policies of disease manage- ment, the motivation of the entero-stoma patients’ needs (MEPN) will also allow greater participation of the patient in the management of the stoma

RCN 2014 Annual International nursing research conference. Glascow, Scotland, UK


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