
Cross-Mapping of Nursing Care Terms Recorded in Italian Hospitals into the Standardized NNN Terminology

Cross-Mapping of Nursing Care Terms Recorded in Italian Hospitals into the Standardized NNN Terminology



To evaluate if nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes, as recorded by nurses in Italian hospitals, were semantically equivalent to the NANDA-I, NIC, and NOC (NNN) terminology.


A cross-mapping study using a multicenter design. Terms indicating nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes were collected using the D-Catch instrument. Cross-mapping of these terms with NNN terminology was performed.


A sample of 137 nursing documentations was included. Over 80% of nursing diagnostic terms, interventions, and outcomes were cross-mapped into NNN terminology.


The study showed that most of the natural terms used by nurses were semantically equivalent to the standardized terms of NNN terminology.

Implications for nursing practice

In Italy, the use of NNN terminology is recommended; however, further development of this terminology is needed.


Cross-mapping; nursing documentation; standardized nursing terminology.

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